Meet the Sears think[box] Team

Reach us by phone at 216.368.3248 or email


Jim McGuffin-Cawley

Professor Emeritus, Materials Science and Engineering
Studies processing of metals and ceramics.

Larry Sears

Case Western Reserve Trustee and Lecturer, Sears think[box]

Advocates for Sears think[box] as an educational and innovation resource

Ian Charnas

Director of Innovation and Technology, Sears think[box]

Develops strategic partnerships with faculty and alumni at think[box]

Ruth D’Emilia

Department Administrator, Sears think[box]

Oversees think[box] financial and administrative functions

Raymond Krajci

Operations Engineering Manager, Sears think[box]

Manages operations team at think[box].

Tiffany McNamara

Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships and Business Development, Sears think[box]

Leads efforts to develop and grow partnerships at Sears think[box] 

Ainsley Buckner

Director of Prototyping, Art, & Community Engagement, Sears think[box]

Coordinates resources, programming, and outreach to the local community

Jason Bradshaw

Director of Design and Manufacturing, Sears think[box]

Provides design for manufacturing expertise at think[box]

Manny Bansal

Design and Manufacturing Engineer, Sears think[box]

Provides design for manufacturing expertise at think[box]

Richard Graham

Coordinator, Sears think[box]

Coordinates programming and events for Sears think[box]