Making the ClotChip military ready
Spartan Showcase featuring Tommy Moawad
Addressing mismatch of affordable housing and jobs with community-driven innovation
Preventing pressure injuries
E-Week events put the spotlight on the impact of engineering
Case Western Reserve institutes and centers highlight innovative programs during crowdfunding campaign
Rohan Akolkar elected senior member of National Academy of Inventors
Honoring some of our female faculty members for International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Rohan Akolkar elected senior member of National Academy of Inventors
Making solar power more efficient
Remembering Emeritus Professor, National Academy of Engineering fellow Jack Koenig
Olabimpe Olayiwola receives NIH Diversity Award
Ran An receives grant in support of anemia and hemoglobin test research
Engineering’s Burcu Gurkan receives award in recognition of her work in negative emissions science