Richard Bachmann

Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Researches biologically inspired robotics
Office: 859 Glennan Phone Number: (216) 368-4904 Fax Number: (216) 368-3007 Email:


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 2009

Patents Pending

2011, "Compliant back brace and ankle orthosis" CWR-019120US, Roger Quinn, Nicole Kern, Richard Bachmann, Arkady Polinkovsky, & Ronald Triolo.


Horchler, A., Kandhari, A., Daltorio, K., Moses, K., Ryan, J., Stultz, K., Kanu, E., Andersen, K., Kershaw, J., Bachmann, R., & Quinn, R. D. (2015). Peristaltic Locomotion of a Modular Mesh-Based Worm Robot: Precision, Compliance, and Friction. Soft Robotics, 2 (4), 135–145.
Horchler, A., Kandhari, A., Daltorio, K. A., Moses, K. A., Ryan, J. A., Stultz, K. A., Kanu, E. A., Andersen, K. A., Kershaw, J. A., Bachmann, R. A., & Others, R. A. (2015). Peristaltic locomotion of a modular mesh-based worm robot: precision, compliance, and friction. Soft Robotics, 2 (4), 135--145.
Horchler, A., Kandhari, A., Daltorio, K., Moses, K., Ryan, J., Stultz, K., Kanu, E., Andersen, K., Kershaw, J., Bachmann, R., & Others, R. (2015). Peristaltic Locomotion of a Modular Mesh-Based Worm Robot: Precision, Compliance, and Friction. Soft Robotics, 2 (4), 135–145.
Kern, N., Bachmann, R., Triolo, R., & Quinn, R. D. (2011). Compliant Bodies Provide Increased Agility in Mobile Robots. IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.