David Wilson

Professor, Biomedical Engineering
I use image processing and machine/deep learning on biomedical images to advance health.
Office: 426 Wickenden Phone Number: (216) 368-4099 Email: david.wilson@case.edu


Ph.D., Electrical engineering, Rice University, 1990

Research Interests

I am the Robert Herbold Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology, Case Western Reserve University. My research focuses on biomedical image analysis including quantification and visualization of disease in clinical and preclinical models. Tools used include image registration, image segmentation, machine learning, etc. Particularly to serve cancer and stem cell imaging, I developed the cryo-imaging system and software, which enables 3D, color anatomical and fluorescence molecular, microscopic imaging of vast tissues as large as a mouse. This has more recently been extended in the creation of 3D-MUSE systems. Recent clinical imaging work has focused on advanced cardiovascular image analysis of intravascular OCT and CT. I have been PI on numerous federal and state grant awards. I have over 185 peer-reviewed publications and innumerable proceedings papers and abstracts. I serve on editorial boards, NIH study sections, and conference organizing committees. I have had substantial, continuous funding throughout my career. In addition, I have been PI on major development grants, PI on the doctoral student NIH T32 training grant (Interdisciplinary Biomedical Imaging), and advisor to numerous graduate and undergraduate students, all of whom are quite exceptional. I am a founder of BioInVision, Inc., a company that is commercializing cryo-imaging and clinical cardiovascular applications.

Lab: https://case.edu/bme/research/labs/biomedical-imaging-laboratory-bmil

Teaching Interests

biomedical imaging, image processing, machine/deep learning

I am the Robert Herbold Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology, Case Western Reserve University. My research focuses on biomedical image analysis including quantification and visualization of disease in clinical and preclinical models. Tools used include image registration, image segmentation, machine learning, etc. Particularly to serve cancer and stem cell imaging, I developed the cryo-imaging system and software, which enables 3D, color anatomical and fluorescence molecular, microscopic imaging of vast tissues as large as a mouse. This has more recently been extended in the creation of 3D-MUSE systems. Recent clinical imaging work has focused on advanced cardiovascular image analysis of intravascular OCT and CT. I have been PI on numerous federal and state grant awards. I have over 185 peer-reviewed publications and innumerable proceedings papers and abstracts. I serve on editorial boards, NIH study sections, and conference organizing committees. I have had substantial, continuous funding throughout my career. In addition, I have been PI on major development grants, PI on the doctoral student NIH T32 training grant (Interdisciplinary Biomedical Imaging), and advisor to numerous graduate and undergraduate students, all of whom are quite exceptional. I am a founder of BioInVision, Inc., a company that is commercializing cryo-imaging and clinical cardiovascular applications.

Patents Received

2014, "Multi-modality, multi-resource, information integration environment" US8856169B2, David Wilson, GQ Zhang, David Wilson, Christopher Flask, & Raymond Muzic.
2014, "Multi-modality, multi-resource, information integration environment" US8856169B2, David Wilson, GQ Zhang, David Wilson, Christopher Flask, & Raymond Muzic.
2012, "Robust GRAPPA MRI Reconstruction" US 8,222,900, David Wilson, & Donglai Huo.
2011, "Constant Variance Filter for Linear Interpolation" US 8,059,907, David Wilson, & Olivier Salvado.
2010, "System and methods for image-guided thermal treatment of tissue" US7699838B2, David Wilson, Gerald Saidel, & Michael Breen.
2003, "A method for delineating an ablation lesion" WO2003099116A1, David Wilson, & Roee Lazebnik.
1994, "Method for locating an edge portion of an aperture in a filter member in X-ray fluoroscopy apparatus" US5282254A, David Wilson.
1991, "Continuously sweeping multiple-pass image acquisition system for peripheral angiography" US4995064A, David Wilson.
1990, "Method for and device for operating x-ray examination device" Method for and device for operating x-ray examination device, David Wilson.


Song, Y., Wu, H., Wen, D., Zhu, H., Graner, P., Ciancibello, L., Rajeswaran, H., Salem, K., Hajmomenian, M., Gilkeson, R., & Wilson, D. L. (2021). Detection of coronary calcifications with dual energy chest X-rays: clinical evaluation.. The international journal of cardiovascular imaging, 37 (3), 767-774.
Levi, J., Wu, H., Beck, B., Fahmi, R., Vembar, M., Dhanantwari, A., Fares, A., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2021). Comparison of automated beam hardening correction (ABHC) algorithms for myocardial perfusion imaging using computed tomography.. Medical physics, 48 (1), 287-299.
Lu, H., Lee, J., Jakl, M., Wang, Z., Cervinka, P., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Author Correction: Application and Evaluation of Highly Automated Software for Comprehensive Stent Analysis in Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography. Scientific Reports, 10 (1).
Song, Y., Wu, H., Wen, D., Zhu, B., Graner, P., Ciancibello, L., Rajeswaran, H., Salem, K., Hajmomenian, M., Gilkeson, R., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Detection of coronary calcifications with dual energy chest X-rays: clinical evaluation. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging.
Zimin, V., Dong, P., Palma Dallan, L., Lee, J., Gharaibeh, Y., Gu, L., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). TCT CONNECT-285 Quantitative Analysis of Intracoronary Calcium Fracture and Tissue Dissection Using Finite Element Modeling and Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 76 (17).
Palma Dallan, L., Dong, P., Zimin, V., Lee, J., Gharaibeh, Y., Rodrigues Pereira, G., Vergara-Martel, A., Gu, L., Wilson, D. L., & Bezerra, H. L. (2020). TCT CONNECT-408 Prediction of Vessel Rupture Assessed by Optical Coherence Tomography as a Function of Increasing Pressure and Balloon Size in Stent Post-Dilatation for Calcified Coronary Lesions in Ex Vivo and In Silico Experimental Model. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 76 (17).
Molony, D., Lee, J., Piccinelli, M., Dunn, R., Khawaja, S., Crawford, K., Palma Dallan, L., Zimin, V., Ko, Y., Kumar, S., Kumar, A., Gupta, S., Shah, I., Simbana, J., Lefieux, A., Gogas, B., Chen, S., Otake, H., Akasaka, T., Koo, B., Stankovic, G., Nam, C., Escaned, J., Erglis, A., Shin, E., Lee, J., Bezerra, H., Wilson, D. L., & Samady, H. L. (2020). TCT CONNECT-283 Investigation of the Association of Wall Shear Stress and Fibrous Cap Thickness Assessed by Deep Learning. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 76 (17).
Lee, J., Palma Dallan, L., Zimin, V., Gharaibeh, Y., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). TCT CONNECT-412 Automated Prediction of Acute Stent Deployment Outcomes in Intravascular OCT Images Using Support Vector Regression. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 76 (17).
Wuttisarnwattana, P., Eid, S., Gargesha, M., Cooke, K., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Cryo-imaging of Stem Cell Biodistribution in Mouse Model of Graft-Versus-Host-Disease.. Annals of biomedical engineering, 48 (6), 1702-1711.
Fedewa, R., Puri, R., Fleischman, E., Lee, J., Prabhu, D., Wilson, D. L., Vince, D. L., & Fleischman, A. L. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Intracoronary Imaging.. Current cardiology reports, 22 (7), 46.
Jung, H., Wilson, D. L., Kietrys, A. L., Lotsof, E. L., Conlon, S. L., David, S. L., & Kool, E. L. (2020). An Excimer Clamp for Measuring Damaged-Base Excision by the DNA Repair Enzyme NTH1.. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), 59 (19), 7450-7455.
Alaiti, M., Attizzani, G., Fares, A., Eck, B., Van Hedent, S., Patel, S., Cavallo, A., Fahmi, R., Levi, J., Ichibori, Y., Ciacinbello, L., Chami, A., Markowitz, A., Hung, C., Yun, C., Gilkeson, R., Wilson, D. L., Rajagopalan, S. L., & Bezerra, H. L. (2020). Contrast-Sparing Imaging Utilizing Spectral Detector CT for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Procedure Planning. Structural Heart, 4 (3), 195-203.
Dong, P., Mozafari, H., Prabhu, D., Bezerra, H., Wilson, D. L., & Gu, L. L. (2020). Optical Coherence Tomography-Based Modeling of Stent Deployment in Heavily Calcified Coronary Lesion. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 142 (5).
Ansari-Gilani, K., Tandon, Y., Jordan, D., Ciancibello, L., Wilson, D. L., & Gilkeson, R. L. (2020). Dual-energy Subtraction Chest Radiography: Application in Cardiovascular Imaging.. Journal of thoracic imaging, 35 (3), W75-W81.
Ansari-Gilani, K., Tandon, Y., Jordan, D., Ciancibello, L., Wilson, D. L., & Gilkeson, R. L. (2020). Dual-energy Subtraction Chest Radiography: Application in Cardiovascular Imaging.. Journal of thoracic imaging, 35 (3), W75-W81.
Wilson, D. L., Howard, M. L., Fung, A. L., O'Donoghue, F. L., Barnes, M. L., Lappas, M. L., & Walker, H. L. (2020). Sleep-disordered breathing does not impact maternal outcomes in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.. PloS one, 15 (4), e0232287.
Walker, E., Liu, Y., Kim, S., Biro, M., Iyer, N., Ezaldein , H., Scott, J., Merati, M., Mistur , R., Zhou, B., Straight, B., Yim, J., Bogyo, M., Crescimanno, M., Wilson, D. L., Basilion, J. L., & Popkin, D. L. (2020). A Protease-Activated Fluorescent Probe Allows Rapid Visualization of Keratinocyte Carcinoma during Excision.. Cancer research.
Chang, C., Sparks, R., Malone, J., Wang, C., Wilson, D. L., Yeh, Y. L., Van Boemmel-Wegmann, S. L., & Lo-Ciganic, W. L. (2020). Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and Immune-Related Adverse Events in Patients With Advanced Melanoma: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis.. JAMA network open, 3 (3), e201611.
Wuttisarnwattana, P., Eid, S., Gargesha, M., Cooke, K., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Cryo-imaging of Stem Cell Biodistribution in Mouse Model of Graft-Versus-Host-Disease.. Annals of biomedical engineering.
Wilson, D. L., Howard, M. L., Fung, A. L., O'Donoghue, F. L., Barnes, M. L., Lappas, M. L., & Walker, H. L. (2020). The presence of coexisting sleep-disordered breathing among women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy does not worsen perinatal outcome.. PloS one, 15 (2), e0229568.
Chien, H., Kao Yang, Y., Kwoh, C., Chalasani, P., Wilson, D. L., & Lo-Ciganic, W. L. (2020). Aromatase Inhibitors and Risk of Arthritis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among Taiwanese Women with Breast Cancer: A Nationwide Claims Data Analysis.. Journal of clinical medicine, 9 (2).
Lee, J., Prabhu, D., Kolluru, C., Gharaibeh, Y., Zimin, V., Dallan LAP, V., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Fully automated plaque characterization in intravascular OCT images using hybrid convolutional and lumen morphology features.. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 2596.
Lee, J., Prabhu, D., Kolluru, C., Gharaibeh, Y., Zimin, V., Dallan LAP, V., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Fully automated plaque characterization in intravascular OCT images using hybrid convolutional and lumen morphology features.. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 2596.
Lu, S., Lee, J., Jakl, M., Wang, Z., Cervinka, P., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Application and Evaluation of Highly Automated Software for Comprehensive Stent Analysis in Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography.. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 2150.
Lu, S., Lee, J., Jakl, M., Wang, Z., Cervinka, P., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Application and Evaluation of Highly Automated Software for Comprehensive Stent Analysis in Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography.. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 2150.
Lee, J., Gharaibeh, Y., Kolluru, C., Zimin, V., Dallan LAP, V., Kim, J., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Segmentation of Coronary Calcified Plaque in Intravascular OCT Images Using a Two-Step Deep Learning Approach.. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions, 8 , 225581-225593.
Joseph, N., Kolluru, C., Benetz BAM, C., Menegay, H., Lass, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2020). Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of deep learning automatic segmentations of corneal endothelial cell images of reduced image quality obtained following cornea transplant.. Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), 7 (1), 014503.
Zhou, L., Bhattacharjee, S., Kwoh, C., Tighe, P., Malone, J., Slack, M., Wilson, D. L., Brown, J. L., & Lo-Ciganic, W. L. (2019). Trends, Patient and Prescriber Characteristics in Gabapentinoid Use in a Sample of United States Ambulatory Care Visits from 2003 to 2016.. Journal of clinical medicine, 9 (1).
Tahara, Y., Kietrys, A., Hebenbrock, M., Lee, D., Wilson, D. L., & Kool, E. L. (2019). Dual Inhibitors of 8-Oxoguanine Surveillance by OGG1 and NUDT1.. ACS chemical biology, 14 (12), 2606-2615.
Wilson, D. L., & Kool, E. L. (2019). Ultrafast Oxime Formation Enables Efficient Fluorescence Light-up Measurement of DNA Base Excision.. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (49), 19379-19388.
Lee, J., Prabhu, D., Kolluru, C., Gharaibeh, Y., Zimin, V., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Automated plaque characterization using deep learning on coronary intravascular optical coherence tomographic images.. Biomedical optics express, 10 (12), 6497-6515.
Lee, J., Prabhu, D., Kolluru, C., Gharaibeh, Y., Zimin, V., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Automated plaque characterization using deep learning on coronary intravascular optical coherence tomographic images.. Biomedical optics express, 10 (12), 6497-6515.
Dudley, M., Barker-Collo, S., Wilson, D. L., & Garrett, C. L. (2019). Factors Associated with Māori Performance on the WAIS-IV.. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 34 (7), 1203-1216.
Dong, J., Mozafari, H., Prabhu, D., Bezerra, H., Wilson, D. L., & Gunalan, K. L. (2019). Oct-based Modeling of Stent Deployment in Heavily Calcified Coronary Lesion.. Journal of biomechanical engineering.
Dong, J., Mozafari, H., Prabhu, D., Bezerra, H., Wilson, D. L., & Gunalan, K. L. (2019). Oct-based Modeling of Stent Deployment in Heavily Calcified Coronary Lesion.. Journal of biomechanical engineering.
Wu, H., Beck, B., Levi, J., Fares, A., Li , Y., Wen, D., Bezerra, H., Muzic, Jr, R., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). SLICR super-voxel algorithm for fast, robust quantification of myocardial blood flow by dynamic computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging.. Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), 6 (4), 046001.
Wu, H., Beck, B., Levi, J., Fares, A., Li , Y., Wen, D., Bezerra, H., Muzic, Jr, R., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). SLICR super-voxel algorithm for fast, robust quantification of myocardial blood flow by dynamic computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging.. Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), 6 (4), 046001.
Lu, H., Lee, J., Ray, S., Tanaka, K., Bezerra, H., Rollins, A. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Automated stent coverage analysis in intravascular OCT (IVOCT) image volumes using a support vector machine and mesh growing. Biomedical Optics Express, 10 (6).
Lu, H., Lee, J., Ray, S., Tanaka, K., Bezerra, H., Rollins, A. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Automated stent coverage analysis in intravascular OCT (IVOCT) image volumes using a support vector machine and mesh growing. Biomedical Optics Express, 10 (6).
Lu, H., Lee, J., Ray, S., Tanaka, K., Bezerra, H., Rollins, A. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Automated stent coverage analysis in intravascular OCT (IVOCT) image volumes using a support vector machine and mesh growing. Biomedical Optics Express, 10 (6).
Tiwari, A., Zhu, J., You, J., Eck, B., Zhu, J., WAng, X., Wang, X., Wang, B., Silver, J., Wilson, D. L., Wu, C. L., & Wang, Y. L. (2019). Novel 18 F-Labeled Radioligands for Positron Emission Tomography Imaging of Myelination in the Central Nervous System. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 62 (10), 4902-4914.
Lu, S., Lee, J., Ray, S., Tanaka, K., Bezerra, H., Rollins, A. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Automated stent coverage analysis in intravascular OCT (IVOCT) image volumes using a support vector machine and mesh growing.. Biomedical optics express, 10 (6), 2809-2828.
Wuttisarnwattana, P., LIU, L., Cooke, K., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Graft-versus-host disease suppression by mesenchymal stem cells as determined by cryo-imaging. Cytotherapy, 21 (5).
Levi, J., Beck, B., Fahmi, R., Wu, H., Vembar, M., Dhanantwari, A., Fares, A., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Calibration-free beam hardening correction for myocardial perfusion imaging using CT.. Medical physics, 46 (4), 1648-1662.
Levi, J., Beck, B., Fahmi, R., Wu, H., Vembar, M., Dhanantwari, A., Fares, A., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Calibration-free beam hardening correction for myocardial perfusion imaging using CT.. Medical physics, 46 (4), 1648-1662.
Dong, P., Bezerra, H., Wilson, D. L., & Gu, L. L. (2019). Impact of Calcium Quantifications on Stent Expansions. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 141 (2), 021010.
Zimin, V., Gharaibeha, Y., Lee, J., Rodrigues Pereira, G., Alaiti, M., Jia, D., Vergara-Martel, A., Palma Dallan, L., Zago, E., Pizzato, P., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). 100.01 Calcium analysis in coronary intravascular optical coherence tomography images using deep machine learning and finite element modeling. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 12 (4).
Liu, Y., Walker, E., Iyer, N., Biro, M., Kim, S., Zhou, B., Straight, B., Bogyo, M., Basilion, J., Popkin, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Molecular imaging and validation of margins in surgically excised nonmelanoma skin cancer specimens.. Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), 6 (1), 016001.
Liu, Y., Walker, E., Iyer, N., Biro, M., Kim, S., Zhou, B., Straight, B., Bogyo, M., Basilion, J., Popkin, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2019). Molecular imaging and validation of margins in surgically excised nonmelanoma skin cancer specimens.. Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), 6 (1), 016001.
Kolluru, C., Prabhu, D., Gharaibeh, Y., Bezerra, H., Guagliumi, G., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). Deep neural networks for A-line-based plaque classification in coronary intravascular optical coherence tomography images. Journal of Medical Imaging, 5 (4), 044504.
Dong, J., Bezerra, H., Wilson, D. L., & Gunalan, K. L. (2018). IMPACT OF CALCIUM QUANTIFICATIONS ON STENT EXPANSIONS.. Journal of biomechanical engineering.
Beck, B., Muzic, R., Levi, J., Wu, H., Fahmi, R., Li , Y., Fares, A., Vembar, M., Dhanantwari, A., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). The role of acquisition and quantification methods in myocardial blood flow estimability for myocardial perfusion imaging CT.. Physics in medicine and biology, 63 (18), 185011.
Eck, B., Muzic, R., Levi, J., Wu, H., Fahmi, R., Li, Y., Fares, A., Vembar, M., Dhanantwari, A., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). The role of acquisition and quantification methods in myocardial blood flow estimability for myocardial perfusion imaging CT. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63 (18).
Eck, B., Muzic, R., Levi, J., Wu, H., Fahmi, R., Li, Y., Fares, A., Vembar, M., Dhanantwari, A., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). The role of acquisition and quantification methods in myocardial blood flow estimability for myocardial perfusion imaging CT. Physics in Medicine \& Biology, 63 (18), 185011.
Wu, C., Tiwari, A., Zhu, J., Eck, B., Zhu, J., WAng, X., You, J., Silver, J., Wilson, D. L., Popco, B. L., Wang, B. L., & Wang, Y. L. (2018). Novel 18F labeled Radioligands for PET imaging of myelination in CNS. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 59 (supplement 1), 614--614.
Qutaish, M., Zhou, Z., Prabhu, D., Liu, Y., Busso, M., Izadnegahdar, D., Gargesha, M., Lu, S., Lu, Z., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). Cryo-Imaging and Software Platform for Analysis of Molecular MR Imaging of Micrometastases.. International journal of biomedical imaging, 2018 , 9780349.
Wang, Y., Tong, J., Dong, J., Wilson, D. L., Bezerra, H. L., & Gunalan, K. L. (2018). MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE OF PLLA STENT.. 2018 Design of Medical Devices Conference : April 9-12, 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Design of Medical Devices Conference (2018 : Minneapolis, Minn.), 2018
Wen, D., Unyelioglu, K., Zhou, B., Gilkeson, R., Gupta, A., Ranim, S., Couturier, S., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). Enhanced coronary calcium visualization and detection from dual energy chest x-rays with sliding organ registration.. Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society, 64 , 12-21.
Wen, D., Nye, K., Zhou, B., Gilkeson, R., Gupta, A., Ranim, S., Couturier, S., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). Enhanced coronary calcium visualization and detection from dual energy chest x-rays with sliding organ registration. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 64 , 21-Dec.
Alaiti, A., Van Hedent, S., Fares, A., Thomas, R., Alkhalil, A., HoKamp, N., Patel, S., Kessner, R., Dhanantwari, A., Ros, P., Wilson, D. L., Vembar, M. L., Gilkeson, R. L., Rajagopalan, S. L., Attizzani, G. L., & Bezerra, H. L. (2018). INCREMENTAL VALUE OF SPECTRAL DETECTOR CT USING LOW-CONTRAST FOR PRE-TAVR CT ANGIOGRAPHY. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71 (11).
Wen, D., Nye, K., Zhou, B., Gilkeson, R., Gupta, A., Ranim, S., Couturier, S., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). Enhanced coronary calcium visualization and detection from dual energy chest x-rays with sliding organ registration. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 64 , 12--21.
Wen, D., Unyelioglu, K., Zhou, B., Gilkeson, R., Gupta, A., Ranim, S., Couturier, S., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). Enhanced coronary calcium visualization and detection from dual energy chest x-rays with sliding organ registration.. Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society, 64 , 12-21.
Wu, H., Beck, B., Levi, J., Fares, A., Li , Y., Wen, D., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). SLIC robust (SLICR) processing for fast, robust CT myocardial blood flow quantification.. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, 10578
Kolluru, C., Prabhu, D., Gharaibeh, Y., Wu, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). Voxel-based plaque classification in coronary intravascular optical coherence tomography images using decision trees.. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, 10575
Qutaish, M., Zhou, Z., Prabhu, D., Liu, Y., Busso, M., Izadnegahdar, D., Gargesha, M., Lu, H., Lu, Z., & Wilson, D. L. (2018). Cryo-Imaging and Software Platform for Analysis of Molecular MR Imaging of Micrometastases. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2018 , 16-Jan.
Dong, J., Prabhu, D., Wilson, D. L., Bezerra, H. L., & Gunalan, K. L. (2017). OCT-BASED THREE DIMENSIONAL MODELING OF STENT DEPLOYMENT.. International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition : [proceedings]. International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 3
Zhou, B., Wen, D., Unyelioglu, K., Gilkeson, R., Beck, B., Jordan, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2017). Detection and quantification of coronary calcium from dual energy chest x-rays: Phantom feasibility study.. Medical physics, 44 (10), 5106-5119.
Perera, V., Covarrubias, G., Lorkowski, M., Atukorale, P., Graor, H., Raghunathan, S., Gopalakrishnan, R., Erokwu, B., Liu, Y., Dixit, D., Brady-Kalnay, S., Wilson, D. L., Flask, C. L., RICHARDS, J. L., Peiris, P. L., & Karathanasis, E. L. (2017). One-pot synthesis of nanochain particles for targeting brain tumors.. Nanoscale, 9 (27), 9659-9667.
Perera, V., Covarrubias, G., Lorkowski, M., Atukorale, P., Graor, H., Raghunathan, S., Gopalakrishnan, R., Erokwu, B., Liu, Y., Dixit, D., Brady-Kalnay, S., Wilson, D. L., Flask, C. L., RICHARDS, J. L., Peiris, P. L., & Karathanasis, E. L. (2017). One-pot synthesis of nanochain particles for targeting brain tumors.. Nanoscale, 9 (27), 9659-9667.
Dong, J., Karabalin, R., Wilson, D. L., Bezerra, H. L., & Gunalan, K. L. (2017). Target Lesion Calcium Arc Influence the Performance of Stenting.. 2017 Design of Medical Devices Conference : April 10-13, 2017, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Design of Medical Devices Conference (2017 : Minneapolis, Minn.), 2017
Wu, C., Eck, B., Zhang, S., Zhu, J., Tiwari, A., Zhang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, B., Wang, X., WAng, X., You, J., Wang, J., Guan, Y., Liu, X., Yu, X., Trapp, B., Miller, R., Silver, J., Wilson, D. L., & Wang, Y. L. (2017). Discovery of 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives for Multimodality PET/CT/Cryoimaging of Myelination in the Central Nervous System. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 60 (3), 987--999.
S. Perera, V., Covarrubias, G., Lorkowski, M., Atukorale, P., Rao, A., Raghunathan, S., Gopalakrishnan , R., O. Erokwu, B., LIU, L., Dixit, D., M. Brady-Kalnay, S., Wilson, D. L., Flask, C. L., Rich, J. L., M. Peiris, P. L., & Karathanasis, E. L. (2017). One-pot synthesis of nanochain particles for targeting brain tumors. Nanoscale, 9 (27), 9659--9667.
Zhou, B., Wen, D., Nye, K., Gilkeson, R., Eck, B., Jordan, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2017). Detection and quantification of coronary calcium from dual energy chest x-rays: Phantom feasibility study. Medical Physics, 44 (10), 5106--5119.
Zhou, B., Wen, D., Nye, K., Gilkeson, R., Eck, B., Jordan, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2017). Detection and quantification of coronary calcium from dual energy chest x-rays: Phantom feasibility study. Medical Physics, 44 (10), 5106-5119.
Dong, P., Lin, S., Wilson, D. L., Bezerra, H. L., & Gu, L. L. (2017). Target Lesion Calcium Arc Influence the Performance of Stenting. .
Shalev, R., Nakamura, D., Nishino, S., Rollins, A. M., Bezerra, H. M., Wilson, D. L., & Ray, S. L. (2017). Automated Volumetric Intravascular Plaque Classification Using Optical Coherence Tomography. AI Magazine, 38 (1).
Wu, C., Eck, B., Zhang, S., Zhu, J., Tiwari, A., Zhang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, B., Wang, X., WAng, X., You, J., Wang, J., Guan, Y., Liu, X., Yu, X., Trapp, B., Miller, R., Silver, J., Wilson, D. L., & Wang, Y. L. (2017). Discovery of 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives for Multimodality PET/CT/Cryoimaging of Myelination in the Central Nervous System. JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 60 (3), 987-999.
Dong, P., Prabhu, D., Wilson, D. L., Bezerra, H. L., & Gu, L. L. (2017). OCT-Based Three Dimensional Modeling of Stent Deployment. .
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Shalev, R., Gargesha, M., Prabhu, D., Tanaka, K., Rollins, A. M., Lamouche, G. M., Bisaillon, C. M., Bezerra, H. M., Ray, S. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2016). Processing to determine optical parameters of atherosclerotic disease from phantom and clinical intravascular optical coherence tomography three-dimensional pullbacks. Journal of Medical Imaging, 3 (2), 024501.
Prabhu, D., Mehanna, E., Gargesha, M., Brandt, E., Wen, D., Van Ditzhuijzen, N., Chamie, D., Yamamoto, H., Fujino, Y., Abdalian, S., Patel, J., Costa, M., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2016). Three-dimensional registration of intravascular optical coherence tomography and cryo-image volumes for microscopic-resolution validation.. Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.), 3 (2), 026004.
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Prabhu, D., Mehanna, E., Gargesha, M., Wen, D., Brandt, E., Van Ditzhuijzen, N., Chamie, D., Yamamoto, H., Fujino, Y., Farmazilian, A., Patel, J., Costa, M., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2016). 3D registration of intravascular optical coherence tomography and cryo-image volumes for microscopic-resolution validation.. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, 9788
Prabhu, D., Mehanna, E., Gargesha, M., Wen, D., Brandt, E., Van Ditzhuijzen, N., Chamie, D., Yamamoto, H., Fujino, Y., Farmazilian, A., Patel, J., Costa, M., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2016). 3D registration of intravascular optical coherence tomography and cryo-image volumes for microscopic-resolution validation.. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, 9788
Liu, Y., Zhou, B., Qutaish, M., & Wilson, D. L. (2016). Microscopic validation of whole mouse micro-metastatic tumor imaging agents using cryo-imaging and sliding organ image registration.. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, 9788
Beck, B., Fahmi, R., Levi, J., Fares, A., Wu, H., Li , Y., Vembar, M., Dhanantwari, A., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2016). Comparison of quantitative myocardial perfusion imaging CT to fluorescent microsphere-based flow from high-resolution cryo-images.. Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, 9788
Fahmi, R., Eck, B., Levi, J., Fares, A., Dhanantwari, A., Vembar, M., Bezerra, H., & Wilson, D. L. (2016). Quantitative myocardial perfusion imaging in a porcine ischemia model using a prototype spectral detector CT system. Physics in Medicine and Biology [00319155], 61 (6), 2407-2431.
Shalev, R., Gargesha, M., Prabhu, D., Tanaka, K., Rollins, A. M., Lamouche, G. M., Bisaillon, C. M., Bezerra, H. M., Ray, S. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2016). Processing to determine optical parameters of atherosclerotic disease from phantom and clinical intravascular optical coherence tomography three-dimensional pullbacks. Journal of Medical Imaging [23294302], 3 (2).
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Jenkins, M. W., Adler, D. W., Gargesha, M. W., Huber, R. W., Rothenberg, F. W., Belding, J. W., Watanabe, M. W., Wilson, D. L., Fujimoto, J. L., & Rollins, A. M. (2007). Ultrahigh-speed optical coherence tomography imaging and visualization of the embryonic avian heart using a buffered Fourier Domain Mode Locked laser.. Optics express, 15 (10), 6251-67.
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Jiang, Y., Huo, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2007). Methods for quantitative image quality evaluation of MRI parallel reconstructions: detection and perceptual difference model. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25 (5), 712-721.
Salvado, O., Hillenbrand, C., Zhang, S., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Method to correct intensity inhomogeneity in MR images for atherosclerosis characterization.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 25 (5), 539-52.
Jiang, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Optimization of detector pixel size for stent visualization in x-ray fluoroscopy.. Medical physics, 33 (3), 668-78.
Fei, B., Wang, Z., Muzic, Jr, R., Flask, C., Wilson, D. L., Duerk, J. L., Feyes, D. L., & Oleinick, N. L. (2006). Deformable and rigid registration of MRI and microPET images for photodynamic therapy of cancer in mice.. Medical physics, 33 (3), 753-60.
Jenkins, M. W., Rothenberg, F. W., Roy, D. W., Nikolski, V. W., Huang, R. W., Watanabe, M. W., Wilson, D. L., Efimov, I. L., & Rollins, A. M. (2006). 4D embryonic cardiography using gated optical coherence tomography.. Optics express, 14 (2), 736-48.
Szymanski, J., Flask, C., Wilson, D. L., Johnson, D. L., Muzic, R. L., & Zhang, G. L. (2006). MICE: A Mouse Imaging Collaboration Environment - art. no. 614511. Medical Imaging 2006: PACS and Imaging Informatics, 6145 , 14511-14511.
Salvado, O., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Removal of interpolation induced artifacts in similarity surfaces. Biomedical Image Registration, Proceedings, 4057 , 43-49.
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Salvado, O., Roy, D., Heinzel, M., McKinley, E., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). 3D cryo-section/imaging of blood vessel lesions for validation of MRI data - art. no. 614214. Medical Imaging 2006: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1-3, 6142 , 14214-14214.
Fei, B., Wang, H., Muzic, R., Flask, C., Feyes, D., Wilson, D. L., Duerk, J. L., & Oleinick, N. L. (2006). Finite element model-based tumor registration of microPET and high-resolution MR images for photodynamic therapy in mice - art. no. 61433I. Medical Imaging 2006: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images Pts 1 and 2, 6143 , I1433-I1433.
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Huo, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Robust GRAPPA reconstruction. 2006 3rd Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, Vols 1-3.
Huo, D., Salem, K., Jiang, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Optimization of spiral MRI using a perceptual difference model.. International journal of biomedical imaging, 2006 , 35290.
Salvado, O., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). A new anisotropic diffusion method, application to partial volume effect reduction. Medical Imaging 2006: Image Processing, Pts 1-3, 6144
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Johnson, D., Flaska, C., Wang, D., Emsberger, P., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Quantification of adipose tissue in a rodent model of obesity - art. no. 614302. Medical Imaging 2006: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images Pts 1 and 2, 6143 , 14302-14302.
Salvado, O., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Thick slice interpolation using reverse anisotropic diffusion to reduce partial volume effect. 2006 3rd Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, Vols 1-3.
Salvado, O., Hillenbrand, C., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Partial volume reduction by interpolation with reverse diffusion.. International journal of biomedical imaging, 2006 , 92092.
Huo, D., Xu, D., Liang, Z., & Wilson, D. L. (2006). Application of perceptual difference model on regularization techniques of parallel MR imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 24 (2), 123-132.
Lazebnik, R., Weinberg, B., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Semiautomatic parametric model-based 3D lesion segmentation for evaluation of MR-guided radiofrequency ablation therapy.. Academic radiology, 12 (12), 1491-501.
Breen, M., Lancaster, T., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Correcting spatial distortion in histological images.. Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society, 29 (6), 405-17.
Breen, M., Lazebnik, R., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Three-dimensional registration of magnetic resonance image data to histological sections with model-based evaluation.. Annals of biomedical engineering, 33 (8), 1100-12.
Fei, B., Duerk, J., Sodee, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Semiautomatic nonrigid registration for the prostate and pelvic MR volumes.. Academic radiology, 12 (7), 815-24.
Meilander-Lin, N., Cheung, P., Wilson, D. L., & Bellamkonda, R. L. (2005). Sustained in vivo gene delivery from agarose hydrogel prolongs nonviral gene expression in skin.. Tissue engineering, 11 (3-4), 546-55.
Huo, D., Xu, D., Ying, L., Liang, Z., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Application of perceptual difference model (PDM) on regularization techniques of parallel MR Imaging. Medical Imaging 2005: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 5749 , 476-483.
Salvado, O., Hillenbrand, C., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Correction of intensity inhomogeneity in MR images of vascular disease. 2005 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7.
Huo, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Using the Perceptual Difference Model (PDM) to optimize GRAPPA reconstruction. 2005 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7.
Fei, B., Flask, C., Wang, Z., Chapin, K., Wilson, D. L., Shillingford, J. L., Murcia, N. L., Weimbs, T. L., & Duerk, J. L. (2005). Image Segmentation, Registration and Visualization of Serial MR Images for Therapeutic Assessment of Polycystic Kidney Disease in Transgenic Mice.. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 1 , 467-9.
Jiang, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Characterization of detector scintillator effect on interventional device visualization in x-ray fluoroscopy. 2005 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7.
Salvado, O., Hillenbrand, C., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Partial volume correction using reverse diffusion. Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, Pt 1-3, 5747 , 625-633.
Jenkins, M. W., Rothenberg, F. W., Roy, D. W., Nikolski, V. W., Wilson, D. L., Efimov, I. L., & Rollins, A. M. (2005). 4D optical coherence tomography of the embryonic heart using gated imaging. Coherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine IX, 5690 , 1-3.
Zhang, S., Suri, J., Salvado, O., Chen, Q., Wacker, F., Wilson, D. L., Duerk, J. L., & Lewin, J. L. (2005). Inter- and Intra-Observer Variability Assessment of in Vivo Carotid Plaque Burden Quantification Using Multi-Contrast Dark Blood MR Images.. Studies in health technology and informatics, 113 , 384-93.
Jiang, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Characterization of detector scintillator effect on interventional device visualization in X-ray fluoroscopy. Medical Imaging 2005: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 5749 , 328-337.
Ross, J., Langan, D., Manjeshwar, R., Kaufhold, J., Manak, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Registration and integration for fluoroscopy device enhancement. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - Miccai 2005, Pt 1, 3749 , 851-858.
Fei, B., Suri, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2005). Three-Dimensional Volume Registration of Carotid MR Images.. Studies in health technology and informatics, 113 , 394-411.
Exner, A., Weinberg, B., Stowe, N., Gallacher, A., Wilson, D. L., Haaga, J. L., & Gao, J. L. (2004). Quantitative computed tomography analysis of local chemotherapy in liver tissue after radiofrequency ablation.. Academic radiology, 11 (12), 1326-36.
Breen, M., Lazebnik, R., Fitzmaurice, M., Nour, S., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Radiofrequency thermal ablation: correlation of hyperacute MR lesion images with tissue response.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 20 (3), 475-86.
Holub, J., O'Toole-Colin, K., Getzel, A., Argenti, A., Evans, M., Smith, D., Dalglish, G., Rifat, S., Wilson, D. L., Taylor, B. L., Miott, U. L., Glersaye, J. L., Lamnawar, K. L., McCranor, B. L., Berkowitz, J. L., Miller, E. L., Lukens, J. L., Krumpe, K. L., Gupton, J. L., & Burnham, B. L. (2004). Lipid-lowering effects of ethyl 2-phenacyl-3-aryl-1H-pyrrole- 4-carboxylates in rodents.. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 9 (3), 134-57.
Lazebnik, R., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Automatic model-based evaluation of magnetic resonance-guided radio frequency ablation lesions with histological correlation.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 19 (2), 245-54.
Salvado, O., Hillenbrand, C., Zhang, S., Suri, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). MR signal sensitivity inhomogeneity correction for assessment of atherosclerosis disease. Proceedings of the Seventh IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging.
Wilson, D. L., Breen, M. L., Lazebnik, R. L., Nour, S. L., & Lewin, J. L. (2004). Radiofrequency thermal ablation: 3D MR-histology correlation for localization of cell death in MR lesion images. 2004 2nd Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, Vols 1 and 2.
Karklin, Y., Cheung, P., Wilson, D. L., & Gerson, S. L. (2004). Dynamic patterns of migration and expansion of hematopoiesis during MGMT mediated drug selection.. Blood, 104 (11), 48a-48a.
Suri, J., Pappu, V., Salvado, O., Fei, B., Zhang, S., Lewin, J., Duerk, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Rotational effect on ROI’s for accurate lumen quantification in bifurcated MR plaque volumes. 17th Ieee Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Proceedings.
Breen, M., Butts, K., Chen, L., Saidel, G. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). MRI-guided laser thermal ablation: Model and parameter estimates relating MR thermometry images to cell death. 2004 2nd Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, Vols 1 and 2.
Salvado, O., Hillenbrand, C., Suri, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). MR coil sensitivity inhomogeneity correction for plaque characterization in carotid arteries. Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, Pts 1-3, 5370 , 2114-2121.
Jiang, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Optimization of detector pixel size for stent visualization in x-ray fluoroscopy. Medical Imaging 2004: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 5372 , 311-318.
Fei, B., Lee, Z., Boll, D., Duerk, J., Sodee, D., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Registration and fusion of SPECT, high-resolution MRI, and interventional MRI for thermal ablation of prostate cancer. Ieee Transactions on Nuclear Science, 51 (1), 177-183.
Srinivas, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Quantitative image quality evaluation of pixel-binning in a flat-panel detector for x-ray fluoroscopy.. Medical physics, 31 (1), 131-41.
Qi, X., Sivak, M., Wilson, D. L., & Rollins, A. M. (2004). Computer aided diagnosis of dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus using endoscopic optical coherence tomography. Coherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine Viii, 5316 , 33-40.
Salvado, O., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Entropy based method to correct intensity inhomogeneity in MR images.. Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7, 26 , 164-167.
Breen, M., Butts, K., Chen, L., Saidel, G. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). MRI-guided laser thermal ablation: Model to predict cell death from MR thermometry images for real-time therapy monitoring. Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7, 26 , 1028-1031.
Salvado, O., Hillenbrand, C., Zhang, S., Suri, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). MR signal inhomogeneity correction for visual and computerized atherosclerosis lesion assessment. 2004 2nd Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, Vols 1 and 2.
Huo, D., Salem, K., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Quantitative image quality evaluation of spiral NMI techniques under noisy conditions. Medical Imaging 2004: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 5372 , 283-292.
Fei, B., Muzic, R., Lee, Z., Flask, C., Morris, R., Duerk, J., Oleinick, N., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Registration of micro-PET and high resolution MR images of mice for monitoring photodynamic therapy. Medical Imaging 2004: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images, 5 (23), 371-379.
Breen, M., Lazebnik, R., Nour, S., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Three-dimensional comparison of interventional MR radiofrequency ablation images with tissue response.. Computer aided surgery : official journal of the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery, 9 (5), 185-91.
Breen, M., Butts, K., Chen, L., & Wilson, D. L. (2004). Image-guided laser thermal ablation therapy: A comparison of modeled tissue damage using interventional MR temperature images with tissue response. Medical Imaging 2004: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, 5367 , 516-523.
Lazebnik, R., Breen, M., Fitzmaurice, M., Nour, S., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Radio-frequency-induced thermal lesions: subacute magnetic resonance appearance and histological correlation.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 18 (4), 487-95.
Lazebnik, R., Weinberg, B., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Sub-acute changes in lesion conspicuity and geometry following MR-guided radiofrequency ablation.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 18 (3), 353-9.
Lazebnik, R., Weinberg, B., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Sub-acute changes in lesion conspicuity and geometry following MR-guided radiofrequency ablation.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 18 (3), 353-9.
Fei, B., Kemper, C., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). A comparative study of warping and rigid body registration for the prostate and pelvic MR volumes.. Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society, 27 (4), 267-81.
Flask, C., Salem, K., Moriguchi, H., Lewin, J., Wilson, D. L., & Duerk, J. L. (2003). Keyhole Dixon method for faster, perceptually equivalent fat suppression.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 18 (1), 103-12.
Breen, M., Lancaster, T., Lazebnik, R., Nour, S., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Three-dimensional method for comparing in vivo interventional MR images of thermally ablated tissue with tissue response.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 18 (1), 90-102.
Lazebnik, R., Lancaster, T., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Volume registration using needle paths and point landmarks for evaluation of interventional MRI treatments.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 22 (5), 653-60.
Fei, B., Duerk, J., Boll, D., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Slice-to-volume registration and its potential application to interventional MRI-guided radio-frequency thermal ablation of prostate cancer.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 22 (4), 515-25.
Lazebnik, R., Weinberg, B., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). 3D Parametric model of lesion geometry for evaluation of MR-guided radiofrequency ablation therapy. Medical Imaging 2003: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, 5029 , 360-367.
Lee, Z., Nagano, K., Duerk, J., Sodee, D., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Automatic registration of MR and SPECT images for treatment planning in prostate cancer. Academic Radiology, 10 (6), 673-684.
Huo, D., Wilson, D. L., Salem, K. L., & Moriguchi, H. L. (2003). Evaluation of noise effects in spiral MRI image reconstruction using the Perceptual Difference Model (PDM). Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-4, 25 , 486-489.
Fei, B., Lee, Z., Duerk, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Image registration for interventional MRI guided procedures: Interpolation methods, similarity measurements, and applications to the prostate. Biomedical Image Registration, 2717 , 321-329.
Wilson, D. L., Jiang, Y. L., Srinivas, Y. L., & Manjeshwar, R. L. (2003). Optimization of flat panel detector characteristics and processing using quantitative image quality techniques. Medical Imaging 2003: Physics of Medical Imaging, Pts 1 and 2, 5030 , 48-59.
Breen, M., Lazebnik, R., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Three dimensional correlation of MR images to muscle tissue response for interventional MRI thermal ablation. Medical Imaging 2003: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, 5029 , 202-209.
Lazebnik, R., Weinberg, B., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Automatic model-based 3D lesion segmentation for evaluation of MR-guided thermal ablation therapy. Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, Pts 1-3, 5032 , 535-545.
Weinberg, B., Lazebnik, R., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Characterization of tissue response to radiofrequency ablation using 3D model-based analysis of interventional MR images. Medical Imaging 2003: Physiology and Function: Methods, Systems, and Applications, 5031 , 54-62.
Jiang, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Experimental optimization of detector pixel size for stent visualization in x-ray fluoroscopy. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-4, 25 , 552-555.
Breen, M., Wilson, D. L., Lazebnik, R. L., Cheung, P. L., Nour, S. L., & Lewin, J. L. (2003). MRI-guided radiofrequency thermal ablation: 3D correlation of MR lesion images with tissue viability for immediate post-ablation treatment assessment. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-4, 25 , 1156-1159.
Wilson, D. L., Salem, K. L., Huo, D. L., & Duerk, J. L. (2003). Perception difference paradigm for analyzing image quality of fast MRI techniques. Medical Imaging 2003: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 5034 , 297-308.
Fei, B., Zhang, S., Savado, O., Suri, J., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Three-dimensional automatic volume registration of carotid MR images. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-4, 25 , 646-648.
Fei, B., Wietholt, C., Clough, A., Dawson, C., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Automatic registration and fusion of high resolution micro-CT and lung perfusion SPECT images of the rat. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-4, 25 , 592-594.
Klokov, D., Criswell, T., Sampath, L., Leskov, K., Frinkley, K., Araki, S., Beman, M., Wilson, D. L., & Boothman, D. L. (2003). Clusterin: a protein with multiple functions as a potential ionizing radiation exposure marker. Radiation and Humankind, 1258 , 219-232.
Fei, B., Lee, Z., Boll, D., Duerk, J., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Image registration and fusion for interventional MRI guided thermal ablation of the prostate cancer. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - Miccai 2003, Pt 2, 2879 , 364-372.
Szymanski-Exner, A., Stowe, N., Salem, K., Lazebnik, R., Haaga, J., Wilson, D. L., & Gao, J. L. (2003). Noninvasive monitoring of local drug release using X-ray computed tomography: Optimization and in vitro/in vivo validation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 92 (2), 289-296.
Fei, B., Frinkley, K., & Wilson, D. L. (2003). Registration algorithms for interventional. MRI-guided treatment of the prostate. Medical Imaging 2003: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, 5029 , 192-201.
Szymanski-Exner, A., Stowe, N., Lazebnik, R., Salem, K., Wilson, D. L., Haaga, J. L., & Gao, J. L. (2002). Noninvasive monitoring of local drug release in a rabbit radiofrequency (RF) ablation model using X-ray computed tomography.. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, 83 (3), 415-25.
Salem, K., Szymanski-Exner, A., Lazebnik, R., Breen, M., Gao, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). X-ray computed tomography methods for in vivo evaluation of local drug release systems.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 21 (10), 1310-6.
Lazebnik, R., Weinberg, B., Breen, M., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Three-dimensional model of lesion geometry for evaluation of MR-guided thermal ablation therapy.. Academic radiology, 9 (10), 1128-38.
Srinivas, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Image quality evaluation of flat panel and image intensifier digital magnification in x-ray fluoroscopy.. Medical physics, 29 (7), 1611-21.
Jabri, K., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Quantitative assessment of image quality enhancement due to unsharp-mask processing in x-ray fluoroscopy.. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 19 (7), 1297-307.
Fei, B., Wheaton, A., Lee, Z., Duerk, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Automatic MR volume registration and its evaluation for the pelvis and prostate.. Physics in medicine and biology, 47 (5), 823-38.
Breen, M., Chen, X., Wilson, D. L., & Saidel, G. M. (2002). Modeling cellular thermal damage from radio-frequency ablation. Second Joint Embs-Bmes Conference 2002, Vols 1-3, Conference Proceedings.
Lazebnik, R., Wilson, D. L., Weinberg, B. L., Breen, M. L., & Lewin, J. L. (2002). A 3D lesion model for segmentation and evaluation of interventional MRI-guided thermal ablation treatment. Second Joint Embs-Bmes Conference 2002, Vols 1-3, Conference Proceedings.
Srinivas, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Comparison of analog and digital magnification in x-ray fluoroscopy image sequences. Medical Imaging 2002: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 4686 , 129-138.
Jiang, Y., Srinivas, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Optimal flat-panel detector pixel size for visualization of stents in x-ray fluoroscopy. Second Joint Embs-Bmes Conference 2002, Vols 1-3, Conference Proceedings.
Lazebnik, R., Breen, M., Lancaster, T., Nour, S., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Volume registration of interventional MRI data using needle paths and point landmarks. Medical Imaging 2002: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, 4681 , 39-46.
Breen, M., Lazebnik, R., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). A comparison of high resolution ex vivo and interventional in vivo MR images and cellular response for thermal ablation treatment evaluation. Second Joint Embs-Bmes Conference 2002, Vols 1-3, Conference Proceedings.
Srinivas, Y., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Image quality evaluation of flat panel detector binning in X-ray fluoroscopy. 2002 Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Proceedings.
Fei, B., Kemper, C., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Three-dimensional warping registration of the pelvis and prostate. Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing, Vol 1-3, 4684 , 528-537.
Fei, B., Duerk, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Automatic 3D registration for interventional MRI-guided treatment of prostate cancer.. Computer aided surgery : official journal of the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery, 7 (5), 257-67.
Lazebnik, R., Wilson, D. L., Breen, M. L., & Lewin, J. L. (2002). 3D registration of medical scanner volumes and tissue section photographs for evaluation of image-guided treatment. Second Joint Embs-Bmes Conference 2002, Vols 1-3, Conference Proceedings.
Salem, K., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). A human vision model for the objective evaluation of perceived image quality applied to MRI and image restoration. Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations Xii, 4791 , 180-191.
Fei, B., Boll, D., Duerk, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Image registration for interventional MRI-guided minimally invasive treatment of prostate cancer. Second Joint Embs-Bmes Conference 2002, Vols 1-3, Conference Proceedings.
Salem, K., Lewin, J., Aschoff, A., Duerk, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2002). Validation of a human vision model for image quality evaluation of fast interventional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 11 (2), 224-235.
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Kump, K., Saidel, G. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Comparison of algorithms for combining X-ray angiography images.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 20 (8), 742-50.
Kump, K., Sachs, P., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Digital subtraction peripheral angiography using image stacking: initial clinical results.. Medical physics, 28 (7), 1482-92.
Manjeshwar, R., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Hyperefficient detection of targets in noisy images.. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 18 (3), 507-13.
Manjeshwar, R., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Effect of inherent location uncertainty on detection of stationary targets in noisy image sequences.. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 18 (1), 78-85.
Lee, Z., Sodee, D., Faulhaber, P., Lancaster, T., MacLennan, G., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Comparison of SPECT and PET imaging for prostate cancer with histological correlation.. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 42 (5), 294p-294p.
Lee, Z., Kemper, C., Muzic, R., Berridge, M., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Quantitative pulmonary imaging based on PET-CT co-registration with warping.. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 42 (5), 10p-11p.
Sanchez-Marin, F., Srinivas, Y., Jabri, K., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Quantitative image quality analysis of a nonlinear spatio-temporal filter.. IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 10 (2), 288-95.
Manjeshwar, R., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Optimization of detector pixel size for interventional x-ray fluoroscopy. Medical Imaging 2001: Image Perception and Performance, 2 (29), 23-34.
Fei, B., Wheaton, A., Lee, Z., Nagano, K., Duerk, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Robust registration method for interventional MRI-guided thermal ablation of prostate cancer. Medical Imaging 2001: Visualization, Display, and Image-Guided Procedures, 2 (24), 53-60.
Salem, K., Moriguchi, H., Duerk, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Optimization of noisy nonuniform sampling and image reconstruction for fast MRI using a human vision model. Medical Imaging 2001: Image Perception and Performance, 2 (29), 82-90.
Breen, M., Lancaster, T., Lazebnik, R., Aschoff, A., Nour, S., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2001). Three dimensional correlation of MR images to muscle tissue response for interventional MRI thermal ablation. Medical Imaging 2001: Visualization, Display, and Image-Guided Procedures, 2 (24), 211-220.
Carrillo, A., Duerk, J., Lewin, J., & Wilson, D. L. (2000). Semiautomatic 3-D image registration as applied to interventional MRI liver cancer treatment.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 19 (3), 175-85.
Wilson, D. L., Srinivas, Y. L., Sanchez-Marin, F. L., & Jabri, K. L. (2000). Quantitative image quality evaluation of an order-statistic filter in x-ray fluoroscopic imaging. Medical Imaging 2000: Image Perception and Performance, 1 (26), 43-48.
Wilson, D. L., Jabri, K. L., Manjeshwar, R. L., Srinivas, Y. L., & Salem, K. L. (2000). Lessons from image perception studies for the design of medical imaging systems. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging V, 3959 , 270-280.
Wilson, D. L., Royston, D. L., Noble, J. L., & Byrne, J. L. (1999). Determining x-ray projections for coil treatments of intracranial aneurysms.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 18 (10), 973-80.
Wilson, D. L., & Noble, J. L. (1999). An adaptive segmentation algorithm for time-of-flight MRA data.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 18 (10), 938-45.
Talukdar, A., & Wilson, D. L. (1999). Modeling and optimization of rotational C-arm stereoscopic X-ray angiography.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 18 (7), 604-16.
Wilson, D. L., Zhu, Q. L., Duerk, J. L., Mansour, J. M., Kilgore, K. M., & Crago, P. E. (1999). Estimation of tendon moment arms from three-dimensional magnetic resonance images.. Annals of biomedical engineering, 27 (2), 247-56.
Wilson, D. L., & Manjeshwar, R. L. (1999). Role of phase information and eye pursuit in the detection of moving objects in noise.. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 16 (3), 669-78.
Wilson, D. L., Zhu, Q. L., Duerk, J. L., Mansour, J. M., Kilgore, K. M., & Crago, P. E. (1999). Estimation of tendon moment arms from three-dimensional magnetic resonance images.. Annals of biomedical engineering, 27 (2), 247-56.
Wilson, D. L., & Manjeshwar, R. L. (1999). Role of phase information and eye pursuit in the detection of moving objects in noise.. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 16 (3), 669-78.
Jabri, K., & Wilson, D. L. (1999). Detection improvement in spatially filtered x-ray fluoroscopy image sequences.. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 16 (3), 742-9.
Talukdar, A., Krishnan, A., & Wilson, D. L. (1999). Optimization of image quality for DSA warping registration. Medical Imaging 1999: Image Processing, Pts 1 and 2, 3661 , 819-827.
Jabri, K., & Wilson, D. L. (1999). Quantitative image quality of spatially filtered x-ray fluoroscopy. Medical Imaging 1999: Image Perception and Performance, 3663 , 296-303.
Salem, K., Duerk, J., Wendt, M., & Wilson, D. L. (1999). Evaluation of keyhole MR imaging with a human visual response model. Medical Imaging 1999: Image Perception and Performance, 3663 , 230-242.
Wilson, D. L., Jabri, K. L., & Aufrichtig, R. L. (1999). Perception of temporally filtered X-ray fluoroscopy images.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 18 (1), 22-31.
Xue, P., & Wilson, D. L. (1998). Effects of motion blurring in x-ray fluoroscopy.. Medical physics, 25 (5), 587-99.
Xue, P., & Wilson, D. L. (1998). Detection of moving objects in pulsed-x-ray fluoroscopy.. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 15 (2), 375-88.
Xue, P., Thomas, C., Gilmore, G., & Wilson, D. L. (1998). An adaptive reference/test paradigm: Application to pulsed fluoroscopy perception. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, 30 (2), 332-348.
Wilson, D. L., Carrillo, A. L., Zheng, R. L., Acikgenc, A. L., Duerk, J. L., & Lewin, J. L. (1998). Evaluation of 3D image registration as applied to MR-guided thermal treatment of liver cancer.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 8 (1), 77-84.
Wilson, D. L., Carrillo, A. L., Zheng, R. L., Acikgenc, A. L., Duerk, J. L., & Lewin, J. L. (1998). Evaluation of 3D image registration as applied to MR-guided thermal treatment of liver cancer.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 8 (1), 77-84.
LaBarbera, M., Shainoff, J., Eppell, S., Wilson, D. L., & Siedlecki, C. L. (1997). Three dimensional structure of human fibrinogen under aqueous conditions visualized by atomic force microscopy.. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 77 (6), 1048-51.
LaBarbera, M., Shainoff, J., Eppell, S., Wilson, D. L., & Siedlecki, C. L. (1997). Three dimensional structure of human fibrinogen under aqueous conditions visualized by atomic force microscopy.. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 77 (6), 1048-51.
Jabri, K., & Wilson, D. L. (1997). Human observer modeling of quantitative image quality in temporally filtered image sequences. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 19, Pts 1-6, 19 , 785-787.
Talukdar, A., & Wilson, D. L. (1997). Image quality optimization for automatic warping registration in x-ray DSA. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 19, Pts 1-6, 19 , 549-552.
Talukdar, A., & Wilson, D. L. (1997). Stereoscopic x-ray angiography. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 19, Pts 1-6, 19 , 795-798.
Shriberg, L., Austin, D., Lewis, B., McSweeny, J., & Wilson, D. L. (1997). The Speech Disorders Classification System (SDCS): Extensions and lifespan reference data. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 40 (4), 723-740.
Carrillo, A., & Wilson, D. L. (1997). Image 3D registration in interventional MRI. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 19, Pts 1-6, 19 , 502-504.
Wilson, D. L., Jabri, K. L., & Xue, P. L. (1997). Modeling human visual detection of low-contrast objects in fluoroscopy image sequences. Image Perception, 3036 , 21-30.
Xue, P., Jabri, K., & Wilson, D. L. (1997). The adaptive reference/test forced-choice method with application to fluoroscopy perception. Image Perception, 3036 , 298-307.
Zhu, Q., Duerk, J., Mansour, J. M., Crago, P. E., & Wilson, D. L. (1997). Tendon moment arm measurement using 3D MRI images. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 19, Pts 1-6, 19 , 480-482.
Dean, D., Subramanyan, K., Kamath, J., Bookstein, F., Wilson, D. L., Kwon, D. L., & Buckley, P. L. (1997). Comparison of traditional brain segmentation tools with 3D self-organizing maps. Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 1230 , 393-398.
Wilson, D. L., Carrillo, A. L., Zheng, L. L., Duerk, J. L., & Lewin, J. L. (1997). Image engineering in interventional MRI. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 19, Pts 1-6, 19 , 474-476.
Wilson, D. L., & Manjeshwar, R. L. (1997). Role of smooth pursuit eye-movements on the detection of moving objects in x-ray fluoroscopy noise. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 19, Pts 1-6, 19 , 792-794.
Shriberg, L., Austin, D., Lewis, B., McSweeney, J., & Wilson, D. L. (1997). The percentage of consonants correct (PCC) metric: Extensions and reliability data. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 40 (4), 708-722.
Xue, P., & Wilson, D. L. (1996). Pulsed fluoroscopy detectability from interspersed adaptive forced-choice measurements.. Medical physics, 23 (11), 1833-43.
Siedlecki, C., Lestini, B., Kottke-Marchant, K., Eppell, S., & Wilson, D. L. (1996). Shear-dependent changes in the three-dimensional structure of human von Willebrand factor.. Blood, 88 (8), 2939-50.
Siedlecki, C., Lestini, B., Kottke-Marchant, K., Eppell, S., & Wilson, D. L. (1996). Shear-dependent changes in the three-dimensional structure of human von Willebrand factor.. Blood, 88 (8), 2939-50.
Kump, K., Sachs, P., & Wilson, D. L. (1996). Optimization of image stacking as applied to x-ray angiographic sequences. Medical Imaging 1996: Physiology and Function from Multidimensional Images, 2709 , 76-81.
Wilson, D. L., Jabri, K. L., Xue, P. L., & Aufrichtig, R. L. (1996). Perceived noise versus display noise in temporally filtered image sequences. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 5 (4), 490-495.
Xue, P., Aufrichtig, R., & Wilson, D. L. (1996). Detectability of moving objects in fluoroscopy. Image Perception - Medical Imaging 1996, 2712 , 2-8.
Wilson, D. L., Dalal, P. L., Kump, K. L., Benard, W. L., Xue, P. L., & Eppell, S. L. (1996). Morphological modeling of atomic force microscopy imaging including nanostructure probes and fibrinogen molecules. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 14 (4), 2407-2416.
Lee, W., Singerman, L., & Wilson, D. L. (1995). New Approach on Correcting Spatial Distortion and Registration in Ophthalmic Angiography. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 36 (4), S246-S246.
Aufrichtig, R., & Wilson, D. L. (1995). X-ray fluoroscopy spatio-temporal filtering with object detection. Ieee Transactions on Medical Imaging, 14 (4), 733-746.
Wilson, D. L., Kump, K. L., & Eppell, S. L. (1995). Morphological Restoration of Atomic-Force Microscopy Images. Langmuir, 11 (1), 265-272.
Aufrichtig, R., Thomas, C., Xue, P., & Wilson, D. L. (1994). Model for perception of pulsed fluoroscopy image sequences.. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 11 (12), 3167-76.
Wilson, D. L., Xue, P. L., & Aufrichtig, R. L. (1994). Perception of fluoroscopy last-image hold.. Medical physics, 21 (12), 1875-83.
Labbe, M., Chiu, M., Rzeszotarski, M., Bani-Hashemi, A., & Wilson, D. L. (1994). The x-ray fovea, a device for reducing x-ray dose in fluoroscopy.. Medical physics, 21 (3), 471-81.
Aufrichtig, R., Xue, P., Thomas, C., Gilmore, G., & Wilson, D. L. (1994). Perceptual comparison of pulsed and continuous fluoroscopy.. Medical physics, 21 (2), 245-56.
Lee, W., Wilson, D. L., & Singerman, L. L. (1994). Correction of Spatial Distortion and Registration in Ophthalmic Fluorescein Angiography. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Engineering Advances: New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers, Pts 1&2.
Wilson, D. L., Xue, P. L., & Aufrichtig, R. L. (1994). Perception in X-Ray Fluoroscopy. Image Perception, 2166 , 20-23.
Wilson, D. L., & Rzeszotarski, M. L. (1994). The X-Ray Fovea, a Device for Reducing X-Ray Dose in Fluoroscopy - Response. Medical Physics, 21 (12), 1887-1887.
Aufrichtig, R., Xue, P., & Wilson, D. L. (1994). Equivalent Perception Dose of Pulsed Fluoroscopy. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Engineering Advances: New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers, Pts 1&2.
Bao, L., Sachs, P., & Wilson, D. L. (1994). Registration in Digital Subtraction Angiography Using Multiple Rois. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Engineering Advances: New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers, Pts 1&2.
Dhawale, P., Wilson, D. L., & Hodgson, J. L. (1994). Volumetric Intracoronary Ultrasound - Methods and Validation. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis, 33 (4), 296-307.
Lee, Y., Tarr, R., & Wilson, D. L. (1994). Angiographic Flow Measurements in Neuroembolization Procedures. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Engineering Advances: New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers, Pts 1&2.
Dhawale, P., Wilson, D. L., & Hodgson, J. L. (1994). Optimal Data-Acquisition for Volumetric Intracoronary Ultrasound. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis, 32 (3), 288-299.
Kump, K., Sachs, P., & Wilson, D. L. (1994). The X-Ray Angiography Short-Bolus Technique. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Engineering Advances: New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers, Pts 1&2.
Xue, P., Aufrichtig, R., & Wilson, D. L. (1994). X-Ray Dose Savings with Reduced Acquisition Rate Pulsed Fluoroscopy for Cardiac Interventional Procedures. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Engineering Advances: New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers, Pts 1&2.
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