Christian Carloni

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office: 235 Bingham Email:


Santandrea, M., Imohamed, I., & Carloni, C. (2020). Width Effect in FRP-Concrete Debonding Mechanism: A New Formula. Journal of Composites for Construction, 24 (4).
Santandrea, M., Focacci, F., Mazzotti, C., Ubertini, F., & Carloni, C. (2020). Determination of the interfacial cohesive material law for SRG composites bonded to a masonry substrate. Engineering Failure Analysis, 111
Focacci, F., Carloni, C., & De Stefano, M. (2019). Approximate Evaluation of Maximum Force Transferable at FRP-Masonry Interface. Journal of Composites for Construction, 23 (6).
Sneed, L., Baietti, G., Fraioli, G., & Carloni, C. (2019). Compressive Behavior of Brick Masonry Columns Confined with Steel-Reinforced Grout Jackets. Journal of Composites for Construction, 23 (5).
Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., & Baietti, G. (2019). Influence of the width of the specimen on the fracture response of concrete notched beams. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 216
Carloni, C., Cusatis, G., Salviato, M., Le, J., Hoover, C., & Bažant, Z. (2019). Critical comparison of the boundary effect model with cohesive crack model and size effect law. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 215 , 193-210.
Franzoni, E., Santandrea, M., Gentilini, C., Fregni, A., & Carloni, C. (2019). The role of mortar matrix in the bond behavior and salt crystallization resistance of FRCM applied to masonry. Construction and Building Materials, 209 , 592-605.
Zou, X., Sneed, L., D’Antino, T., & Carloni, C. (2019). Analytical Bond-Slip Model for Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix-Concrete Joints Based on Strain Measurements. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31 (11), 04019247.
D\"onmez, Abdullah, Carloni, C., Cusatis, G., & Ba\vzant, Zden\vek P, G. (2019). On Critiques of Energy-Based Size Effect Law for Beam Shear and Punching. .
D'Altri, A., Carloni, C., De Miranda, S., & Castellazzi, G. (2018). Numerical modeling of FRP strips bonded to a masonry substrate. Composite Structures, 200 , 420-433.
Bencardino, F., Carloni, C., Condello, A., Focacci, F., Napoli, A., & Realfonzo, R. (2018). Flexural behaviour of RC members strengthened with FRCM: State-of-the-art and predictive formulas. Composites Part B: Engineering, 148 , 132-148.
Franzoni, E., Gentilini, C., Santandrea, M., & Carloni, C. (2018). Effects of rising damp and salt crystallization cycles in FRCM-masonry interfacial debonding: Towards an accelerated laboratory test method. Construction and Building Materials, 175 , 225-238.
D'Antino, T., Colombi, P., Carloni, C., & Sneed, L. (2018). Estimation of a matrix-fiber interface cohesive material law in FRCM-concrete joints. Composite Structures, 193 , 103-112.
Carloni, C., D'Antino, T., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2018). Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Single-Lap Direct Shear Tests of FRCM-Concrete Joints Using a Cohesive Damaged Contact Approach. Journal of Composites for Construction, 22 (1).
Sneed, L., Carloni, C., Fraioli, G., & Baietti, G. (2018). Confinement of Brick Masonry Columns with SRG Jackets. Special Publication, 324 , 5--1.
D'Antino, T., Colombi, P., Carloni, C., & Sneed, L. (2018). Estimation of a matrix-fiber interface cohesive material law in FRCM-concrete joints. Composite Structures, 193 , 103--112.
Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., & Baietti, G. (2018). Influence of the width of the specimen on the fracture response of concrete notched beams. Engineering Fracture Mechanics.
De Felice, G., De Santis, S., Realfonzo, R., Napoli, A., Ascione, F., Stievanin, E., Cescatti, E., Valluzzi, M., Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., & Others, M. (2018). State of the Art of Steel Reinforced Grout Applications to Strengthen Masonry Structures. Special Publication, 326 , 102--1.
Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., Imohamed, I., & Sneed, L. (2018). Confinement of Concrete Columns with SRG. Special Publication, 324 , 8--1.
Bencardino, F., Carloni, C., Condello, A., Focacci, F., Napoli, A., & Realfonzo, R. (2018). Flexural behaviour of RC members strengthened with FRCM: State-of-the-art and predictive formulas. Composites Part B: Engineering, 148 , 132--148.
Petracca, M., Camata, G., Carloni, C., Napoli, A., Realfonzo, R., & Casadei, P. (2018). Numerical Analysis of RC Beams Strengthened with SRG. Special Publication, 324 , 6--1.
Wan-Wendner, R., Carloni, C., Le, J., & Cusatis, G. (2018). Fracture \& Deterioration: Interaction between Fracturing, Scaling, Aging, and Deterioration Phenomena in Concrete Structures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 202
Carloni, C., Ascione, F., Camata, G., De Felice, G., De Santis, S., Lamberti, M., Napoli, A., Realfonzo, R., Santandrea, M., Stievanin, E., & Others, E. (2018). An Overview of the Design Approach to Strengthen Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures with SRG. Special Publication, 326 , 101--1.
Franzoni, E., Gentilini, C., Santandrea, M., & Carloni, C. (2018). Effects of rising damp and salt crystallization cycles in FRCM-masonry interfacial debonding: Towards an accelerated laboratory test method. Construction and Building Materials, 175 , 225--238.
Wan-Wendner, R., Carloni, C., Le, J., & Cusatis, G. (2018). Fracture \& Deterioration: Interaction between Fracturing, Scaling, Aging, and Deterioration Phenomena in Concrete Structures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 202
D’Altri, Antonio Maria, Carloni, C., De Miranda, S., & Castellazzi, G. (2018). Numerical modeling of FRP strips bonded to a masonry substrate. Composite Structures, 200 , 420--433.
Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., & Imohamed, I. (2017). Determination of the interfacial properties of SRP strips bonded to concrete and comparison between single-lap and notched beam tests. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 186 , 80-104.
Sneed, L., Ravazdezh, F., Santandrea, M., Imohamed, I., & Carloni, C. (2017). A study of the compressive behavior of concrete columns confined with SRP jackets using digital image analysis. Composite Structures, 179 , 195-207.
Carabba, L., Santandrea, M., Carloni, C., Manzi, S., & Bignozzi, M. (2017). Steel fiber reinforced geopolymer matrix (S-FRGM) composites applied to reinforced concrete structures for strengthening applications: A preliminary study. Composites Part B: Engineering, 128 , 83-90.
Focacci, F., D'Antino, T., Carloni, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2017). An indirect method to calibrate the interfacial cohesive material law for FRCM-concrete joints. Materials and Design, 128 , 206-217.
Franzoni, E., Gentilini, C., Santandrea, M., Zanotto, S., & Carloni, C. (2017). Durability of steel FRCM-masonry joints: effect of water and salt crystallization. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 50 (4).
Alabdulhady, M., Sneed, L., & Carloni, C. (2017). Torsional behavior of RC beams strengthened with PBO-FRCM composite – An experimental study. Engineering Structures, 136 , 393-405.
Malena, M., Focacci, F., Carloni, C., & De Felice, G. (2017). The effect of the shape of the cohesive material law on the stress transfer at the FRP-masonry interface. Composites Part B: Engineering, 110 , 368-380.
Carloni, C., Verre, S., Sneed, L., & Ombres, L. (2017). Loading rate effect on the debonding phenomenon in fiber reinforced cementitious matrix-concrete joints. Composites Part B: Engineering, 108 , 301-314.
Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., & Wendner, R. (2017). An investigation on the “width and size effect” in the evaluation of the fracture energy of concrete. Procedia Structural Integrity, 3 , 450--458.
Carloni, C., Verre, S., Sneed, L., & Ombres, L. (2017). Loading rate effect on the debonding phenomenon in fiber reinforced cementitious matrix-concrete joints. Composites Part B: Engineering, 108 , 301--314.
Carloni, C., D’Antino, Tommaso, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2017). Three-dimensional numerical modeling of single-lap direct shear tests of FRCM-concrete joints using a cohesive damaged contact approach. Journal of Composites for Construction, 22 (1), 04017048.
Sneed, L., Ravazdezh, F., Santandrea, M., Imohamed, I., & Carloni, C. (2017). A study of the compressive behavior of concrete columns confined with SRP jackets using digital image analysis. Composite Structures, 179 , 195--207.
Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., & Imohamed, I. (2017). Determination of the interfacial properties of SRP strips bonded to concrete and comparison between single-lap and notched beam tests. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 186 , 80--104.
Carabba, L., Santandrea, M., Carloni, C., Manzi, S., & Bignozzi, M. (2017). Steel fiber reinforced geopolymer matrix (S-FRGM) composites applied to reinforced concrete structures for strengthening applications: A preliminary study. Composites Part B: Engineering, 128 , 83--90.
Alabdulhady, M., Sneed, L., & Carloni, C. (2017). Torsional behavior of RC beams strengthened with PBO-FRCM composite--an experimental study. Engineering Structures, 136 , 393--405.
Focacci, F., D'Antino, T., Carloni, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2017). An indirect method to calibrate the interfacial cohesive material law for FRCM-concrete joints. Materials \& Design, 128 , 206--217.
Franzoni, E., Gentilini, C., Santandrea, M., Zanotto, S., & Carloni, C. (2017). Durability of steel FRCM-masonry joints: effect of water and salt crystallization. Materials and Structures, 50 (4), 201.
Malena, M., Focacci, F., Carloni, C., & De Felice, G. (2017). The effect of the shape of the cohesive material law on the stress transfer at the FRP-masonry interface. Composites Part B: Engineering, 110 , 368--380.
Sneed, L., Verre, S., Carloni, C., & Ombres, L. (2016). Flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened with steel-FRCM composite. Engineering Structures, 127 , 686-699.
D'Antino, T., Sneed, L., Carloni, C., & Pellegrino, C. (2016). Effect of the inherent eccentricity in single-lap direct-shear tests of PBO FRCM-concrete joints. Composite Structures, 142 , 117-129.
Carloni, C., & Focacci, F. (2016). FRP-masonry interfacial debonding: An energy balance approach to determine the influence of the mortar joints. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 55 , 122-133.
Sneed, L., Verre, S., Carloni, C., & Ombres, L. (2016). Flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened with steel-FRCM composite. Engineering Structures, 127 , 686--699.
Carloni, C., & Focacci, F. (2016). FRP-masonry interfacial debonding: An energy balance approach to determine the influence of the mortar joints. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 55 , 122--133.
D’Antino, Tommaso, Sneed, L., Carloni, C., & Pellegrino, C. (2016). Effect of the inherent eccentricity in single-lap direct-shear tests of PBO FRCM-concrete joints. Composite Structures, 142 , 117--129.
D'Antino, T., Sneed, L., Carloni, C., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). Influence of the substrate characteristics on the bond behavior of PBO FRCM-concrete joints. Construction and Building Materials, 101 , 838-850.
D'Antino, T., Carloni, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). Fatigue and post-fatigue behavior of PBO FRCM-concrete joints. International Journal of Fatigue, 81 , 91-104.
Sneed, L., D'Antino, T., Carloni, C., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). A comparison of the bond behavior of PBO-FRCM composites determined by double-lap and single-lap shear tests. Cement and Concrete Composites, 64 , 37-48.
Focacci, F., & Carloni, C. (2015). Periodic variation of the transferable load at the FRP-masonry interface. Composite Structures, 129 , 90-100.
Focacci, F., & Carloni, C. (2015). Periodic variation of the transferable load at the FRP-masonry interface. Composite Structures, 129 , 90--100.
Carloni, C., D'Antino, T., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). An investigation of PBO FRCM-concrete joint behavior using a three-dimensional numerical approach. Civil-Comp Press.
D’Antino, Tommaso, Sneed, L., Carloni, C., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). Influence of the substrate characteristics on the bond behavior of PBO FRCM-concrete joints. Construction and building Materials, 101 , 838--850.
Carloni, C., Casacci, S., De Miranda, S., Di Tommaso, A., Gentilini, C., & Ubertini, F. (2015). Debonding between FRP and underlying masonry: first results of a 3D finite element model. Key Eng Mater, 624 , 437--443.
Carloni, C., D’Antino, T, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). Paper 113 An Investigation of PBO FRCM-Concrete Joint Behavior using a Three-Dimensional Numerical Approach. .
Carloni, C., D'Antino, T., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). Role of the matrix layers in the stress-transfer mechanism of FRCM composites bonded to a concrete substrate. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 141 (6).
Sneed, L., D'Antino, T., Carloni, C., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). A comparison of the bond behavior of PBO-FRCM composites determined by double-lap and single-lap shear tests. Cement and Concrete Composites, 64 , 37--48.
D’Antino, Tommaso, Carloni, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2015). Fatigue and post-fatigue behavior of PBO FRCM-concrete joints. International Journal of Fatigue, 81 , 91--104.
Sneed, L., D'Antino, T., & Carloni, C. (2014). Investigation of bond behavior of polyparaphenylene benzobisoxazole fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix composite-concrete interface. ACI Materials Journal, 111 (5), 569-580.
D'Antino, T., Carloni, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2014). Matrix-fiber bond behavior in PBO FRCM composites: A fracture mechanics approach. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 117 , 94-111.
Carloni, C., D’Antino, Tommaso, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2014). Role of the matrix layers in the stress-transfer mechanism of FRCM composites bonded to a concrete substrate. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 141 (6), 04014165.
Sneed, L., D’Antino, Tommaso, L., & Carloni, C. (2014). Investigation of bond behavior of PBO fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix composite-concrete interface. ACI Mater J, 111 (5), 569--580.
D’Antino, Tommaso, Carloni, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2014). Matrix--fiber bond behavior in PBO FRCM composites: A fracture mechanics approach. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 117 , 94--111.
D'Antino, T., Carloni, C., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2013). Fiber-Matrix Interaction in PBO FRCM Composites. Italian National Association of Earthquake Engineering.
Carloni, C., D'Antino, T., Sneed, L., & Pellegrino, C. (2013). A Study of the Debonding of FRCM Composites from Concrete. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Carloni, C., & Subramaniam, K. (2013). Investigation of sub-critical fatigue crack growth in FRP/concrete cohesive interface using digital image analysis. Composites Part B: Engineering, 51 , 35--43.
D'Antino, T., Sneed, L., Carloni, C., & Pellegrino, C. (2013). Bond behavior of the FRCM-concrete interface. Institute for Sustainable an Innovation in Structural Engineering.
Carloni, C., Subramaniam, K., Savoia, M., & Mazzotti, C. (2012). Experimental determination of FRP--concrete cohesive interface properties under fatigue loading. Composite Structures, 94 (4), 1288--1296.
Carloni, C., & Subramaniam, K. (2012). FRP-masonry debonding: numerical and experimental study of the role of mortar joints. Journal of composites for construction, 16 (5), 581--589.
Carloni, C., & Subramaniam, K. (2012). Application of fracture mechanics to debonding of FRP from RC members. Aci Sp, 286 (10), 1--20.
Carloni, C., & Others, C. (2012). SP-286: A Fracture Approach for FRP-Concrete Structures. Special Publication, 286
Subramaniam, K., Carloni, C., & Nobile, L. (2011). An understanding of the width effect in FRP--concrete debonding. Strain, 47 (2), 127--137.
Carloni, C., & Subramaniam, K. (2010). Direct determination of cohesive stress transfer during debonding of FRP from concrete. Composite Structures, 93 (1), 184--192.
Carloni, C., & Subramaniam, K. (2009). Investigation of the interface fracture during debonding between FRP and masonry. Advances in Structural Engineering, 12 (5), 731--743.
Subramaniam, K., Carloni, C., & Nobile, L. (2007). Width effect in the interface fracture during shear debonding of FRP sheets from concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74 (4), 578--594.
Nobile, L., & Carloni, C. (2006). Buckling analysis of eccentrically loaded cracked columns. Structural Durability and Health Monitoring (SDHM), 2 (2), 83--90.
Carloni, C., & Nobile, L. (2005). Maximum circumferential stress criterion applied to orthotropic materials. Fatigue \& Fracture of Engineering Materials \& Structures, 28 (9), 825--833.
Nobile, L., & Carloni, C. (2005). Fracture analysis for orthotropic cracked plates. Composite Structures, 68 (3), 285--293.
Carloni, C., PIVA, A., & VIOLA, E. (2004). Biaxial load effect on crack initiation for orthotropic materials. Meccanica, 39 (4), 331--344.
Nobile, L., Carloni, C., & Nobile, M. (2004). Strain energy density prediction of crack initiation and direction in cracked T-beams and pipes. Theoretical and Applied fracture mechanics, 41 (1-3), 137--145.
Nobile, L., & Carloni, C. (2004). Crack growth in an orthotropic medium. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 27 (6), 899--905.
Carloni, C., PIVA, A., & VIOLA, E. (2003). An alternative complex variable formulation for an inclined crack in an orthotropic medium. Engineering fracture mechanics, 70 (15), 2033--2058.
Carloni, C., & Nobile, L. (2002). Crack initiation behaviour of orthotropic solids as predicted by the strain energy density theory. Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 38 (2), 109--119.
Nobile, L., Gentilini, C., & Carloni, C. (). Three-dimensional Frame Structures with Uncertain Edge-Cracks. .
D’Altri, Antonio Maria, Carloni, C., Castellazzi, G., & De Miranda, S. (). Debonding phenomenon at the FRP-masonry interface: numerical validation and experimental results. .
Maragna, M., Gentilini, C., & Carloni, C. (). Numerical modelling of the bond behaviour of NSM steel bars in masonry. .
Carloni, C., PIVA, A., VIOLA, E., & Others, E. (). Volume39 No. 4 August 2004. Springer.
Carloni, C., Ali-Ahmad, M., Nobile, L., & Subramaniam, S. (). EFFETTO SCALA NEI PROBLEMI DI INTERFACCIA FRP/CALCESTRUZZO. .
Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., Ravazdezh, F., & Sneed, L. (). Stress-strain Response of Steel-FRP Confined Concrete Columns Determined by DIC. .
Carloni, C., Santandrea, M., Imohamed, I., & Wendner, R. (). Interfacial behaviour of SRP-concrete joints: a numerical and experimental investigation. .