Chris Papachristou

Professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
Designs and develops hardware and software for embedded systems and IoT devices
Office: 509 Glennan Phone Number: (216) 368-5277 Email:


Ph.D., Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, 1975

Awards and Recognitions

2019, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, Marquis Who'sWho
2019, Best Paper Award, IEEE Cognitive Communications for Aerospace Applications
2012, Who's Who in America, Marquiis Who'sWho
2008, Invited Speaker, NATO Summer School, Cleveland OH
2008, Invited Lecturer and Speaker, NATO Summer School, UK and Spain

Research Interests

Embedded System Design, Design Automation, Fault Tolerant and Secure System Design, VLSI CAD, Logic and High Level Synthesis, Reconfigurable Systems/FPGAs. Software and Hardware design for internet devices. Quantum Computer Architectures.

Teaching Interests

Embedded Systems Design. Parallel Computer Architectures. Configurable Devices and FPGAs. Quantum Computing.

Professional Leadership and Service

Jan. 1, 2002 - PRESENT, Fellow Institute of Electrical and Elecrtronics Engineers


Wolff, F., Weyer, D., Papachristou, C. A., & Clay, S. A. (2021). Design for Reliability: Tradeoffs between Lifetime and Performance due to Electromigration. Elsevier, Microelectronics Reliability, 117 , 12 pages.
Al-Khaleel, O., Al-Qudah, Z., Al-Khaleel, M., Bani-Hani, R., Papachristou, C. A., & Wolff, F. A. (2015). Efficient Hardware Implementations of Binary-to-BCD Conversion Schemes for Decimal Multiplication. JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS, 24 (2), -.