ESP32 Development Board Programming Stations

An ESP32 microntroller

Learn to program these microcontrollers to control your project and connect via Bluetooth or WiFi.

Quick Links

How to Start at think[box]

  1. Visit Advanced Interfaces with your own ESP32 or Arduino or to purchase one. Get Started with Advanced Interfaces >>
  2. Log on to one of the microcontroller programming stations.
  3. Launch the Arduino IDE.
  4. Click File > Examples and choose an ESP32 or Arduino project that interests you.
  5. Read the project comments (Lines preceded by '//') to understand the program flow.
  6. Plug your board into the computer.
  7. Click the arrow button labeled "Upload" to program your microcontroller.

How to Start at Home

  1. Visit Advanced Interfaces with your own ESP32 or Arduino or to purchase one. Get Started with Advanced Interfaces >>
  2. Set up your own computer for microcontroller development with Arduino. Download the Arduino IDE >>
  3. Add the ESP32 to the Arduino IDE by clicking File > Preferences > Additional Board Manager URLs and adding "".
  4. Run into issues? Visit Advanced Interfaces in person or send an email to


We stock ESP32 as well as the necessary accessories, cables, and batteries to power your microcontroller on the go.

You may also bring your own cables and microcontrollers and use our systems to program them.

We have two ESP32 programming stations with the Arduino IDE and cables.

ESP32 Programming Station Technical Information

  • Laptop Hardware: Dell Latitude E7440
  • Operating System: Manjaro Linux
  • Software: Arduino IDE
  • Development Boards: ESP32 Lily Go MINI32-v1.0.0