Dominique Durand

Professor, Biomedical Engineering Director, Neural Engineering Center
Analyses neural systems and designs devices to interface with the nervous system to provide therapies for neurological disorders
Office: WiCK 112 Wickenden Phone Number: (216) 368-3974 Fax Number: (216) 368-4872 Email:

Research Interests

Neural engineering, computational neuroscience, neural interfacing, neurophysiology and control of epilepsy, non-linear dynamics of neural systems, neural prostheses and neuromodutation

Teaching Interests

Biomedical Intrumentation, Bioelectricity, Undergraduate Research Experience

Patents Received

Patents Pending

2013, "Transverse cuff electrode for selective pain block" 18/814,456, Dominique Durand.
2012, "Novel Hihg contact Density electrodeand fabrication technique" 12/860,500, Dominique Durand.


Wu, Y., Chien, M., Huang, C., Chiang, C., Lin, C., Huang, C., Durand, D. M., & Hsu, K. M. (2020). Transcranial direct current stimulation alleviates seizure severity in kainic acid-induced status epilepticus rats. Experimental Neurology, 328
Couturier, N., & Durand, D. M. (2020). Comparison of fiber tract low frequency stimulation to focal and ANT stimulation in an acute rat model of focal cortical seizures. Brain Stimulation, 13 (2), 499-506.
Shivacharan, R., Chiang, C., Zhang, M., Gonzalez-Reyes, L., & Durand, D. M. (2019). Self-propagating, non-synaptic epileptiform activity recruits neurons by endogenous electric fields. Experimental Neurology, 317 , 119-128.
Shivacharan, R., Chiang, C., & Durand, D. M. (2019). Abstract #110: Ephaptic coupling, a mechanism for spontaneous neural propagation in the brain. Brain Stimulation, 12 (2).
Zhu, F., Zhu, J., Zhang, G., Wang, Y., Su, J., McCallum, G., Zhang, X., Sui, X., & Durand, D. M. (2019). Flexural characterization of carbon nanotube (CNT) yarn neural electrodes. Materials Research Express, 6 (4).
Chiang, C., Shivacharan, R., Wei, X., Gonzalez-Reyes, L., & Durand, D. M. (2019). Slow periodic activity in the longitudinal hippocampal slice can self-propagate non-synaptically by a mechanism consistent with ephaptic coupling: Slow periodic activity by ephaptic coupling. Journal of Physiology, 597 (1), 249-269.
Eggers, T., Dweiri, Y., McCallum, G., & Durand, D. M. (2018). Recovering Motor Activation with Chronic Peripheral Nerve Computer Interface. Scientific Reports, 8 (1).
Chiang, C., Wei, X., Ananthakrishnan, A., Shivacharan, R., Gonzalez-Reyes, L., Zhang, M., & Durand, D. M. (2018). Slow moving neural source in the epileptic hippocampus can mimic progression of human seizures. Scientific Reports, 8 (1).
Feng, Z., Wang, Z., Guo, Z., Zhou, W., Cai, Z., & Durand, D. M. (2017). High frequency stimulation of afferent fibers generates asynchronous firing in the downstream neurons in hippocampus through partial block of axonal conduction. Brain Research, 1661 , 67-78.
Eggers, T., Dweiri, Y., McCallum, G., & Durand, D. M. (2017). Model-based Bayesian signal extraction algorithm for peripheral nerves. Journal of Neural Engineering, 14 (5).
McCallum, G., Sui, X., Qiu, C., Marmerstein, J., Zheng, Y., Eggers, T., Hu, C., Dai, L., & Durand, D. M. (2017). Chronic interfacing with the autonomic nervous system using carbon nanotube (CNT) yarn electrodes. Scientific Reports, 7 (1).
Zhang, M., Shivacharan, R., Chiang, C., Gonzalez-Reyes, L., & Durand, D. M. (2016). Propagating Neural Source Revealed by Doppler Shift of Population Spiking Frequency. Journal of Neuroscience [02706474], 36 (12), 3495-3505.
Dweiri, Y., Stone, M., Tyler, D. J., McCallum, G. J., & Durand, D. M. (2016). Fabrication of High Contact-Density, Flat-Interface Nerve Electrodes for Recording and Stimulation Applications. Journal of Visualized Experiments [1940087X].
Dweiri, Y., Eggers, T., McCallum, G., & Durand, D. M. (2015). Ultra-low noise miniaturized neural amplifier with hardware averaging. , 12 (4), -.
Zhang, M., Kibler, A., Gonzales-Reyes, L., & Durand, D. M. (2015). Neural Activity Propagation in an Unfolded Hippocampal Preparation with a Penetrating Micro-electrode Array. .
Ladas, T., Chiang, C., Gonzalez-Reyes, L., Nowak, T., & Durand, D. M. (2015). Seizure reduction through interneuron-mediated entrainment using low frequency optical stimulation. , 269 , 120-132.
Wang, Y., Toprani, S., Tang, Y., Vrabec, T., & Durand, D. M. (2014). Mechanism of highly synchronized bilateral hippocampal activity.. Experimental neurology, 251 , 101-11.
Caparso, A., Durand, D. M., & Mansour, J. M. (2009). A nerve cuff electrode for controlled reshaping of nerve geometry.. Journal of biomaterials applications, 24 (3), 247-73.
Tyler, D. J., & Durand, D. M. (2003). Chronic response of the rat sciatic nerve to the flat interface nerve electrode. Annals of biomedical engineering, 31 (6), 633--642.
Tyler, D. J., & Durand, D. M. (2002). Functionally selective peripheral nerve stimulation with a flat interface nerve electrode. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 10 (4), 294--303.
Qi, H., Tyler, D. J., & Durand, D. M. (1999). Neurofuzzy adaptive controlling of selective stimulation for FES: a case study. IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering, 7 (2), 183--192.
Bertrand, C., Durand, D. M., Saidel, G. M., Laboisse, C. M., & Hopfer, U. M. (1998). System for dynamic measurements of membrane capacitance in intact epithelial monolayers.. Biophysical journal, 75 (6), 2743-56.
Tyler, D. J., & Durand, D. M. (1997). A slowly penetrating interfascicular nerve electrode for selective activation of peripheral nerves. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 5 (1), 51--61.
Tyler, D. J., & Durand, D. M. (1994). Interfascicular electrical stimulation for selectively activating axons. IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY MAGAZINE, 13 (4), 575--575.
Ali-Hassan, W., Saidel, G. M., & Durand, D. M. (1992). Estimation of electrotonic parameters of neurons using an inverse Fourier transform technique.. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 39 (5), 493-501.