Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Institutes, centers and labs related to Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Steinmetz Lab

Develops plant virus-based drug delivery, immunotherapies, clinical imaging and material synthesis.

Sen Gupta Lab

Bio-inspired Engineering for Advanced Therapies

Studies multi-scale mechanisms of vascular and cancer pathologies, and develops bio-inspired materials and drug delivery systems to treat these disease conditions.

Capadona Lab

Studies the conditions that lead to neural implant failure and explores avenues to improve performance of these devices.

Faculty who conduct research in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Jeff Capadona

Associate Department Chair, Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Engineers biomaterials-based strategies to improve the performance and longevity of central nervous system implanted devices

Steven Eppell

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Designs, synthesizes and tests orthopedic biomaterials using biomimetic strategies emphasizing nanoscale structures and self-assembly

Sam Senyo

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Applies tissue engineering to study human biology and improve human health